unholy feeders

Rules: 1. respect the request, 2. opt out of war if you arent going to use both attacks, 3. dont be a jerk

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
218 Lordly Sir C 347 288 4187
188 nagolterror 181 334 3956
240 >queenb< L 264 571 3881
185 Rudra 644 78 3721
198 mini C 484 300 3617
171 SurlyLord 279 207 3565
180 Mrs.H E 151 353 3319
172 binx E 157 201 3227
157 TAR E 196 167 2967
224 neoncactus C 286 207 2850
147 IKRONiC C 0 0 2799
131 jake 0 164 2690
159 yoda 0 0 2681
145 gamer 0 0 2637
167 GROOT E 138 123 2545
88 jaret 0 0 2112
79 jaret 321 0 0 1888
126 Ballbreaker 0 0 1884
120 21 0 0 1881
97 thatbol 0 134 1833
111 DeadShot5355 0 0 1790
178 Pr!ncess T!na 0 0 1664
94 AspectX 0 0 1632
99 User 0 0 1547
103 akaMast3r360 0 0 1535
69 Diego 0 0 1512
116 yae E 0 0 1408
89 JamieMae E 0 0 1405
106 Choco_0sva 0 0 1392
135 ME ME E 0 0 1375
89 Deadshot53551 0 0 1362
100 coless 0 0 1284
70 นุ่อุ้ม 0 0 1248
103 SidTheKid2397 0 0 1212
62 shy 0 0 1099
94 harnaman 0 0 1086
92 orphankicker215 0 0 961
56 xdDarkShadow957 0 0 929
75 Refpyk 0 0 900
56 Eli 0 0 863
65 Victorous 0 0 816
46 TexasRed 0 0 694
55 Jules 0 0 674
55 Captain Marvel 0 0 641
38 THE BOSS 2.0 0 0 638
22 brixton 0 0 484
32 weirdo 0 0 472
21 Alex 0 0 398
6 Freedman 0 0 259
Event Time

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