
Welcome to our well established clan of mature adult English speakers who like to war. We pride ourselves on teamwork and welcome unrushed bases to join us. Members of clan come from US, Australia, Netherlands, UK and Canada. RIP Jeff 🚂 🦅

War freq.:
L Name D R T
253 Dutch Destroyer L 135 2088 5114
225 Aamoldini C 3 0 4905
231 Brad3006 C 188 0 4852
225 jacoboss C 0 1557 4787
238 vladamire C 239 0 4700
236 Joint C 0 0 4700
235 N1ck26 C 0 0 4557
211 ASTROBOY E 0 0 4553
233 Vivek C 191 159 4403
224 schifante E 20 0 4350
237 scotty C 0 0 4265
247 Philly Matt C 2253 3324 4207
190 scotty C 0 0 4037
242 kdog C 358 0 4000
171 dtfdyl E 270 192 3780
192 PHANTOM_PIPS 76 380 3751
233 General KD C 75 0 3677
219 Stevie C 103 159 3572
232 trwaterston C 431 0 3423
179 philip222 E 0 77 3361
231 McSean705 C 3339 2094 3346
242 Wizkid82 E 0 0 3314
182 szymon 0 53 2941
236 F-Tra1n C 0 0 2850
170 ieatkids 90 0 2761
214 General KD C 169 0 2608
232 Assassin E 0 0 2599
160 myphartsstink C 0 0 2559
170 hanz 0 0 2487
208 jsmithers E 0 0 2403
208 Jerk E 0 0 2362
195 sir joe 0 0 2311
116 $tinkyNutzz 0 0 2310
157 Nate 6 0 2292
186 Gowtham 0 0 2255
186 Little Wizkid E 0 0 2066
112 vladitroninator C 0 0 1907
191 Dutch Destroyer C 2137 0 1815
129 alec 0 0 1756
76 boston 0 0 673
Event Time

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