
Clans rules 1) Donate/Cook For Open request b4 u Requset 2) Say Thx To who Donate U 3) Donation Ratio as 1:2.5 or Less and at least 500 in Season 4) wars : turn red if heros are upgraded,attack twice and MUST JOIN OUR WHATSAPP TEAM FOR WAR .

War freq.:
L Name D R T
261 Lior 49ל E 921 2116 5103
266 oren and liam L 2276 1458 4862
199 liron 0 126 4717
255 liam C 588 1431 4645
248 xXLIAMXx E 697 1451 4565
167 KeepItCasual 0 0 4443
232 Bish E 0 0 4412
231 itay E 352 664 4373
220 ILYDUD 0 243 4145
243 shimonch C 975 812 3749
232 shlomieb C 193 249 3729
229 DT E 65 116 3533
237 ilanweiss E 59 0 3525
246 eldad C 0 0 3469
180 Eitan 2001 109 0 3428
151 TomerP 0 0 3412
294 מרתון E 956 264 3402
168 lior 1745 0 3310
167 Kanon barosh 0 0 3064
237 horsh E 0 100 3052
233 rooney C 0 0 2960
145 The kind 0 0 2958
156 shilshul 0 0 2809
148 naveh 0 0 2746
241 A.ilan78 C 0 0 2708
173 UMANG PANCHAL 0 0 2652
211 ThePunisher1 0 0 2614
205 SteoMcD05 0 0 2592
178 THE KING 0 0 2580
209 MichaelBM 0 0 2579
172 Ynoam 94 0 2559
165 SHAYA 0 0 2505
216 Israeli Love 0 0 2445
167 Roi Yehezkeli 0 0 2397
177 KobiBM 0 0 2388
163 yoavser 0 0 2283
151 itay 0 0 2261
140 Ron 0 0 2245
141 elayone 0 0 2227
154 דוד 0 0 2004
111 roc_oh 0 0 1993
139 ⚡SHAMS⚡ 0 0 1878
152 DAVE 2.0 C 0 0 1741
Event Time

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