melanau clan

Stay safe...

War freq.:
L Name D R T
229 Joe C 0 0 5004
178 ••Kid~Rock•• C 201 0 4017
244 带毛的香蕉 C 90 0 3537
243 69_muah_A_i C 504 848 3514
252 JOANNES C 1099 514 3267
234 ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ C 60 0 3005
254 No_NamE C 0 0 2963
231 Professor B C 0 0 2898
251 Dison.Dj C 3 30 2836
214 孤獨終老 C 0 0 2703
184 Bridal Mask C 0 77 2678
187 com C 76 0 2524
159 blackred C 60 594 2426
211 Professor G E 0 0 2413
224 Bang Jarwo C 0 0 2391
156 C12 E 0 0 2381
184 mr zahar C 0 0 2354
234 setia E 0 0 2329
180 Fullhimkeroniko E 0 0 2261
159 syahmi 0 0 2254
231 @HELLBOYY@ 0 0 2160
149 N!ghtm@re 0 0 2150
145 BlackGold 0 0 2079
122 Mokmok E 0 0 2060
182 Zul C 0 30 2057
138 Misz.X E 0 0 2057
141 _Demjo_ E 0 0 2042
173 Professor E E 0 0 2016
152 eyzam C 0 0 1866
161 Professor X E 0 0 1714
148 Professor V E 0 0 1656
94 Epp 0 0 1632
195 Professor D E 0 0 1601
159 Professor K E 0 0 1519
82 Hashashin01 L 0 0 1490
98 lAN E 0 0 1470
125 Raja Perang 2.0 E 0 0 1465
100 Ejamm 0 0 1418
126 Professor J 0 0 1340
95 Amam HQ E 0 0 1210
175 Professor M E 0 0 1185
148 Professor S E 0 0 1129
78 bananacrew (2) E 0 0 1120
77 Professor Z 0 0 1082
76 Professor 0 0 1045
78 bananacrew E 0 0 794
76 Raja Perang 1.0 E 0 0 759
Event Time

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