
Welcome! War Centered-Active-Friendly-Donating Clan! For Elder you must donate 1000. Always donate what's requested ESPECIALLY during war. No swearing! Be active, requesting and donating. Make sure to use both attacks in war! #SoundOfTheSaints

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
201 Destroyer Dave C 10 0 4641
178 Thermal King C 0 0 4029
138 Blitzeryn C 0 0 3728
172 Robin Hood C 0 0 3367
176 bennyeatsburger E 0 0 2772
162 KeepKevinGreat E 0 0 2682
159 chuckymuckybaby E 0 0 2650
134 TheThreeBeavers E 0 0 2630
183 mn C 0 0 2579
137 singh E 0 0 2558
162 Marisa E 0 0 2477
133 The3Beavers C 0 0 2437
184 Darkstar L 0 0 2387
169 Epic guy 2 C 30 0 2343
118 Sren E 0 0 2320
142 killerofpizza C 0 0 2292
125 Void E 0 0 2249
156 briNDk E 0 0 2230
131 Darkstar C 0 0 2118
135 Jonathan E 0 0 2058
117 Dovahkiiñ C 0 0 1948
136 Epic guy C 0 0 1909
133 steelhero E 0 0 1900
186 Sky C 0 0 1884
123 Chimps E 0 0 1812
121 Electro E 0 0 1791
111 Captan Sparow 5 E 0 0 1776
107 Jay E 0 0 1726
126 iguenc E 0 0 1710
67 david c E 0 0 1691
115 Farmer Blaze C 0 0 1676
75 jatt C 0 0 1664
119 aragorn C 0 0 1662
118 sonicboom C 0 0 1552
136 KingKier E 0 0 1526
90 Mr.BananaPeel C 0 0 1499
78 Nathan C 0 0 1372
63 hi E 0 0 1359
48 sorryforboom 0 0 1240
84 Darkstar 3 C 0 0 1203
53 jaQuees E 0 0 1175
89 Dark star 2 C 0 0 1111
88 xzin E 0 0 1038
79 Elley E 0 0 988
62 GrandWizMan E 0 0 933
49 FK2 E 0 0 855
56 MangoDuck27 E 0 0 733
31 CR7MYGOAT4EVER 0 30 657
48 darkstar C 0 0 559
13 Eli the goat 0 10 543
Event Time

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