
War our way and get the loot. War your way and get the boot.....Your struggle will soon be over, you are all gonna die , we will sack your villages and take your women....

War freq.:
L Name D R T
208 BigPugs C 0 0 2676
194 Escanor L 0 0 2615
193 PugLife E 0 0 2460
179 Ragnar Rok E 0 0 2417
178 Lucius E 0 0 2369
172 Gowther E 0 0 2328
177 Terminus 0 0 2321
177 mordecai E 0 0 2268
158 Ghost s1c E 0 0 2139
176 Oakenshield E 0 0 2002
241 Mithrandir C 0 0 1948
197 Flyufools C 0 0 1902
209 Big Walt C 0 0 1858
148 Gottago 0 0 1787
146 Drogon C 0 0 1556
242 Helm Hammerhand C 0 0 1495
167 Men of the West 0 0 1482
116 King of North C 0 0 1356
182 Kazander C 0 0 1234
115 Gawain C 0 0 1228
189 pathfinder C 0 0 1178
181 scout C 0 0 1154
135 Legolas C 0 0 1130
151 Boromir C 0 0 1120
122 Warlord C 0 0 1101
160 pugli 0 0 1085
138 Modred C 0 0 1021
113 Sardaukar C 0 0 928
116 Merlin C 0 0 925
166 Pendragon 0 0 902
106 Spike C 0 0 850
108 RalphtheBullJr. C 0 0 837
87 bull_2 0 0 820
128 claw C 0 0 807
114 talon C 0 0 797
91 Brewski77 C 0 0 782
81 Ranger 1 C 0 0 778
81 Ranger 3 C 0 0 768
82 Ranger 2 C 0 0 766
73 whitewalker 6 C 0 0 763
81 Ranger C 0 0 748
80 Ranger 4 C 0 0 746
74 whitewalker 5 C 0 0 740
107 tooth 0 0 737
200 Balrog C 0 0 710
74 whitewalker 7 C 0 0 699
69 whitewalker 4 C 0 0 692
75 white walker C 0 0 677
35 Wam 0 0 621
Event Time

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