
FEAR THE SQUISHY! We war on a semi regular basis. We donate always. We teach people starting out. Doesnt matter how low your level. just looking for loyalty. that will earn you promotions.

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
195 Connor374 C 0 0 3378
264 daub 0 0 3108
209 devil tail C 0 0 2691
181 Festus Haggen 0 0 2579
221 Lil daub L 0 0 2530
161 psychrn E 0 0 2482
151 c.j 0 0 2443
142 ♐️sagit.cj 0 0 2274
210 SuperFlinch C 0 0 2267
145 Shiven 0 0 2185
178 karla E 0 0 2106
184 TannersTheManer C 0 0 2099
166 Matt Dillon E 0 0 2053
115 sausagetm 0 0 1821
122 John Wayne E 0 0 1816
141 Francis S Key E 0 0 1810
124 katie 0 0 1809
123 South Girl 0 0 1786
142 seinseya 0 0 1701
101 cheif scrub dos 0 0 1539
140 Gensa 0 0 1469
104 leo 0 0 1446
88 Shift 0 0 1415
90 chester b goode E 0 0 1415
92 Cookie 0 0 1194
72 Go1den E 0 0 1189
134 joe E 0 0 1164
82 hunter 0 0 1160
76 Nico 0 0 1147
78 LilEmre09 E 0 0 1093
118 Ayashe E 0 0 1074
47 the one 0 0 1044
103 fenix 0 0 973
112 yoga 0 0 952
82 corey jones 0 0 852
56 Quint Esper 0 0 757
47 Buster 0 0 671
11 vortex 0 0 328
Event Time

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