Up"in" SmoKe!

Active players needed (LETS GO) This clan has been around for along time almost since the start of clash of clans. We need some active blood' to take this clan to the next level. Sign up and hav****** fun.

War freq.:
L Name D R T
258 tony L 1878 7506 5303
219 AshEmpire C 4266 1350 5090
247 Galea C 5328 2363 4730
251 Bhavik C 1134 179 4684
202 Vishnu C 497 1511 4534
221 Sixty6 C 1293 2059 3929
165 Dayzo C 1589 1728 3549
203 Rylan C 325 1776 3435
207 recker C 4 0 3273
212 Hulk C 5326 546 3264
192 DARK HOOD 9 C 0 738 2985
157 shadow 0 0 2874
174 Awesome C 0 0 2845
165 d@n1e[ E 0 0 2738
194 JoshuaCenedien 0 0 2728
166 Jonathan #1 C 273 0 2715
167 ORTHODOX E 0 0 2646
158 Bennas05 0 0 2583
154 RY@N 0 0 2535
173 DARK HOOD 9 C 16 903 2507
165 Abhi 0 0 2288
193 Dr. C 0 0 2278
246 kush C 0 460 2238
164 kim 0 0 2181
195 shawn C 156 966 2180
138 cbean E 0 0 2167
157 Van Persie 0 0 2032
122 Awesome E 0 0 2013
140 JG SUPER KING99 0 0 1948
129 abishek 0 0 1897
200 Spartens 0 0 1884
135 tina 0 0 1865
147 Zander 0 0 1811
224 NIKHIL C 0 0 1773
94 Flk 0 0 1626
103 Ethan Dooling 0 0 1547
50 BIGM E 0 0 1505
104 TheKing 0 0 1443
98 _________ 0 0 1365
106 NinjaWarrior268 0 0 1290
114 slick guily 0 0 1184
46 RyGuy 0 0 670
16 Mia 0 0 473
21 MR. HAX 0 0 354
Event Time

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