Man Clan

Welcome to Man Clan (NA timezone)... This is not just a clan but a community. Introduce yourself upon entry & tell us where you're from. No strict ratios but do donate to show worth. Clan status demands won't last. We will vet out the riff raff.

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
180 Lord Zodax E 201 328 4945
242 shawn 456 E 362 445 4900
232 jwake C 270 315 4793
230 travis E 140 579 4528
200 Yoggah E 708 158 4456
238 Sam C 205 288 4417
250 tyrants wrath C 231 914 4108
219 Cutter C 0 423 4100
227 Gunsmitht364 C 0 0 3649
224 !J@Son BoURne! C 1417 2121 3272
238 RED DOG C 883 0 3210
235 Postmark C 0 0 3188
208 Fresh2Deaf E 105 1071 3048
191 Evan 306 78 2960
209 WARHEAD E 0 0 2959
249 ㄴiㄴ ΥΦDΛ C 1685 2040 2948
277 ZeroDark30 L 7097 2022 2925
194 ClashCanada 0 0 2854
181 Groovy 0 0 2837
212 DkShadow E 0 0 2831
201 Thadaway01 E 0 0 2786
230 ㄴiㄴ FαΤ ΒΔsτΑЯD C 764 1920 2719
151 CLASH KING 0 0 2686
226 Lord BlackSnake C 0 0 2660
183 xXPapi⚽️DrewXx E 0 0 2609
219 SunOfTheBeach E 0 0 2583
181 JamMeister E 0 0 2553
194 Alvarez 0 0 2491
161 Sisco_The_Disco 0 0 2461
139 Butt stuff 0 0 2451
167 Sam Mini C 37 385 2422
120 jojo E 1 432 2281
215 Runs with Axes 0 0 2218
142 lacedXan 0 0 2202
191 FireBurner 0 0 2175
107 Sam 3.0 0 0 2173
137 lil gun C 0 0 2172
124 WARHEAD(RUSH) E 0 0 2076
177 talal E 0 0 2028
131 Haydon 0 0 1991
188 ㄴiㄴ ZㅌЯФ C 0 37 1120
Event Time

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