KARA Heroes 2

old timers coming together for clean fun war 💪🏼😂

War freq.:
L Name D R T
251 abb L 0 11346 5335
187 Joshua Music 0 0 4396
254 Ash C 11346 0 2983
187 ton C 0 0 2765
208 SuBj3cT C 0 0 2692
160 Byronn 0 0 2672
163 ShadowBlade 0 0 2475
168 Brannon 0 0 2474
151 Reikuha 0 0 2400
150 Jeff 0 0 2303
121 svbj 0 0 2292
140 AEziR E 0 0 2260
200 cressie C 0 0 2233
125 jwrf 0 0 2180
174 souletrain C 0 0 2159
119 coctayo 0 0 2145
142 ashtonxd E 0 0 2039
172 HAO豪~ 0 0 1844
119 Daniel 0 0 1804
117 jah 0 0 1760
94 Shenbob18 0 0 1592
118 burpface 0 0 1511
116 teddy bear 0 0 1465
122 sg flyer13 E 0 0 1436
85 dominy 0 0 1409
95 Anto 0 0 1406
76 Systematic 0 0 1161
100 Jumpolnut E 0 0 1132
91 KirinAteACookie 0 0 1099
151 jonolson C 0 0 1087
106 Unknown C 0 0 1011
73 RltC 0 0 843
64 onigiri 0 0 825
63 bigjump 0 0 762
43 ashxd 0 0 753
27 Taychew E 0 0 738
66 jumpolnut E 0 0 674
35 itsnotme 0 0 649
26 RedFire 0 0 434
15 WhiteCloud 0 0 285
12 SilverRain 0 0 285
8 Trinchew 0 0 262
Event Time

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