
Welcome, opt in and out for wars; if you opt in attack and fill the 1 war cc below you. If you get troops give troops, participate in clan games, contribute to clan capital and have fun! All inactives will be removed after a week of inactivity.

War freq.:
L Name D R T
262 dorn L 477 0 5194
231 DEADPOOL E 32 0 5135
253 Vince C 1638 1234 5109
209 platypus2014 E 0 81 5021
211 шалун2017 C 0 2114 4963
191 MIKEY BEAST! 387 54 4894
226 Colin C 116 738 4766
176 Josh 0 0 4760
248 mylee C 3738 2781 4737
191 TheBe@rd E 0 0 4502
242 Drake E 1669 0 4467
200 Shawn E 2842 2806 4394
230 Wafo C 2121 2298 4354
245 Lucas C 3339 2907 4330
235 Miss™BONITA¶ 90 0 4312
253 King Thunder C 3325 3065 4238
166 Keshab 135 1498 4226
177 Camryman E 2899 2523 4158
239 Dumb Luc C 2478 2970 4069
165 DARKLORD 0 0 4065
194 Sa njay 0 609 3996
192 CJMego C 808 846 3953
226 ThE OnE & OnLy C 196 50 3915
195 Sombay E 452 1699 3881
234 dude E 63 0 3728
221 Real Boo 243 65 3700
238 मरसेनरी A S E 0 0 3654
218 Astro ⭐️ C 417 159 3581
148 Gudu 0 0 3423
177 luis15 E 40 45 3295
178 Clasher 653 0 3227
197 MrClassical E 123 80 3221
188 Aarfin 2.O E 40 0 3135
161 Aarfin E 0 0 2995
233 Kavi C 547 576 2929
162 Pranata 0 0 2923
192 JAB E 0 0 2815
207 charm C 0 0 2769
173 GalaXy々potHead 45 539 2766
155 Piyush.Y 77 114 2754
201 Don 0 0 2726
126 ankit 205 186 2676
238 muguys E 1164 322 2675
137 Gavoneee E 0 0 1898
109 ColtThaGrate 0 0 1785
165 Sway178 E 0 0 1642
49 шалун 2.0 E 0 0 605
Event Time

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