Myanmar (Burma)
War freq.:
L Name D R T
214 ///★ LEO ★\\\ 0 0 4477
191 Aung Myat 0 0 4366
216 Aung Myat Ko C 0 0 4352
199 apc C 0 0 4316
222 tein yan C 0 0 3508
217 ZERO L 0 765 3295
186 MR 18 E 0 0 3218
180 BLACK HERO E 0 0 3207
237 DABALU - W E 0 352 3128
193 Little Boy C 0 264 3070
179 LU YAN KAR LAY C 31 350 3045
209 ★ EVER SMILE ★ C 0 172 3027
142 Mr w h C 0 0 3007
129 Win Htut (Mr) E 0 0 3000
150 Mr. Wednesday C 0 0 2957
198 Himura BatToSai C 0 0 2952
145 DO or DIE C 0 0 2801
139 Missing 0 0 2785
171 vzo.myolaymyola 36 72 2769
150 Ǽłú 0 0 2737
198 ☆☆☆BoNayToe☆☆☆ C 31 293 2681
209 &&& NET SOE &&& 0 0 2613
159 BIGBOSS 2461 0 2599
180 MINSANDA 0 0 2584
124 I'm not okay C 0 0 2575
193 SENPAI YAMETE.. C 0 0 2556
150 Fighter 0 0 2511
189 @@ LUSOELAY @@ C 0 439 2498
126 MR VIP C 0 0 2496
212 *** MN *** C 0 0 2455
135 ☆YANGONTHAR☆ E 0 0 2432
115 ONE DAY E 0 0 2381
145 NORMAL ONEⓦ 0 0 2379
96 LuMiteGyi E 0 0 2378
121 :):):):):):):) 0 0 2364
175 koko C 0 0 2359
93 WeWe 250 0 2109
205 nimhtet C 0 0 2072
102 Ddy Lynch 0 102 2008
130 TaPinShweHtee C 0 0 1967
145 AKAR 0 0 1916
119 Pyae 0 0 1876
104 Mr..myolay 0 0 1803
134 Escaped 0 0 1732
120 Ye Lay 0 0 1718
104 Zu3s 0 0 1350
82 David Jr 0 0 1193
62 HaHa 0 0 850
Event Time

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