äçtïvë çlÆn

War freq.:
L Name D R T
171 zp0106 C 0 665 4388
145 zara C 940 0 2806
182 villacote c. E 0 112 2726
143 june C 0 0 2640
138 araz C 0 0 2616
172 shyiarel28 0 0 2520
94 tayap E 0 48 2502
224 eevyaj C 0 0 2439
128 gabzlngsakalam C 0 0 2436
199 THE_CRAWLER C 0 0 2427
136 aldrn j 62 0 2418
148 jhenver^jaja C 0 0 2410
164 tornaks101 L 0 0 2298
133 itlog C 0 0 2244
133 vevo E 0 0 2218
133 ayang C 0 0 2204
139 bon&sashia C 0 0 2144
125 betlogs E 0 0 2022
109 pogi 0 0 1914
161 johndel C 0 0 1913
81 cute C 0 0 1749
130 Christian C 0 0 1746
119 E:Jems C 0 0 1661
107 Dark Knight 0 67 1618
132 HADES E 40 85 1588
94 akuto sai 0 26 1580
147 #THE PACIFIER$ C 0 42 1520
204 bhabyq C 30 72 1504
110 Xenon. E 48 0 1471
72 Nonoy C 0 0 1467
93 theDarkness 0 0 1339
81 bakaGOODPRINToh 0 5 1237
83 marcjr C 0 0 1159
91 enujaraz E 0 0 1130
69 Yayang C 0 0 1070
110 Zero" 0 0 1037
32 yamyam 0 0 1011
31 yamboo 0 0 974
42 aldrin 0 0 835
61 BUTT 6 0 824
26 black knight 61 60 811
34 jamess 0 0 655
14 white knight 0 0 421
Event Time

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