coc is fun... 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 clash on!!

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
217 ETHAN C 0 0 2843
170 OWEN C 0 0 2815
166 DEXTER C 0 0 2811
167 TREVOR C 0 0 2783
172 KING GRAND C 0 0 2749
173 UNITED KINGDOM C 0 0 2716
169 brady C 0 0 2711
176 LIAM C 0 0 2583
221 GANDALF C 0 0 2572
165 gerrard C 0 0 2555
153 Great voYAGE E 0 0 2480
152 GrAndlE.utd C 0 0 2414
158 BoGArd victorY E 0 0 2375
149 AuGust MonTH E 0 0 2349
151 GreG vs. YoU C 0 0 2292
158 OSCAR E 0 0 2281
142 ALEX C 0 0 2269
194 ALAN C 0 0 2255
166 larry the great C 0 0 2254
158 JASON E 0 0 2226
158 GoldEN EaGlE E 0 0 2213
142 ARTHUR C 0 0 2157
162 BiG BANG C 0 0 2148
156 BiNG GuArd E 0 0 2145
244 PETER L 0 0 2141
149 ElEGent ErA C 0 0 2132
127 AXEL E 0 0 2063
124 APRill E 0 0 2010
144 ELITE E 0 0 2004
125 ABRAHAM E 0 0 2004
131 JUSTIN E 0 0 1948
124 APEX E 0 0 1924
125 AUX E 0 0 1922
167 BRAYAN C 0 0 1917
124 APOLLO E 0 0 1915
124 AJAX E 0 0 1910
241 WALTER 0 0 1896
152 YounG C 0 0 1888
127 ALLEY E 0 0 1879
124 ALLEN E 0 0 1876
124 AAroN E 0 0 1859
124 ADE E 0 0 1842
129 ANDREw E 0 0 1839
125 XCALIBUR E 0 0 1833
128 ARAX E 0 0 1810
125 ADriAN E 0 0 1765
128 ALP E 0 0 1763
125 AEG E 0 0 1739
124 APPLE E 0 0 1719
128 ARNOLD E 0 0 1618
Event Time

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