
[ TO JOIN CLAN, ANSWER QUESTION: Why do you think Communism is necessary? ] [ ALERTA ALERTA ANTIFASClSTA: WE ARE ANTICAPITALIST, ANTIRACIST ] [ Our second clan: Communist 2 #22VYVPV8 ][ ]

War freq.:
L Name D R T
232 Dr. Rockso C 339 0 5040
141 IchiGo KuRoSaki C 819 0 4931
205 Yalishanda C 0 0 4728
222 PartigianoJonny C 488 515 4644
220 MarxistVlad C 0 2 4534
220 Falkreath C 146 0 4216
227 GRUNDISSE C 201 0 4175
212 alexthewall C 212 0 4162
176 Clasher 139 372 3870
239 Alvarado214 C 535 299 3807
223 _sTaLinGraD_ C 4 784 3780
191 X_PsyZcho_X 0 0 3691
237 viva communism C 5 118 3644
168 RozaNina E 56 124 3644
168 dyl 220 772 3617
235 Josefo C 0 0 3565
187 Bonfield E 0 0 3250
207 RISHI E 0 0 3006
176 Yato go brrr 32 92 2919
133 Sachifrack 0 169 2879
169 DRAGON KING 0 0 2877
167 edugamerBR 0 0 2869
142 comrade☭jibreel E 0 325 2836
235 Diego C 521 0 2795
137 Alan007BR 0 0 2736
153 che guevara E 0 0 2661
203 rahul E 0 0 2647
174 Anti-Fascist C 1102 0 2644
169 Pawlitschenko E 0 0 2601
226 Comrade Souptik C 0 0 2510
145 Baidik 82 0 2445
159 Sahil 0 45 2388
228 AntiSystem C 83 0 2282
199 Kropotkin C 16 78 2173
124 B1PSQUEAK 213 712 2079
115 ☭naber☭ 0 0 2071
131 vincenzo04 0 0 1884
192 FiDeL CaStRo 0 0 1871
205 lenin 101 70 1853
127 Karl Marx 0 0 1822
124 Aaron 0 0 1792
179 MaMaLiFeShFeShE C 0 0 1720
183 johnie boro 45 77 1683
132 Zane 0 0 1518
103 Viva Capt.Diego L 50 72 1506
87 SKY F I R E 0 0 1278
Event Time

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