
War/Raid/Clan Wars. Don't join if you will not participate. Promos are based on activity, donations, and performance. No Rushed TH's, inactivity WILL get you kicked!!!!

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
223 Jerc14 C 0 0 4979
212 mg gers 0 0 4954
155 Ashutosh992 E 76 109 4937
224 Certified G0oN L 79 53 4883
171 Polpen E 0 0 4844
183 Dreamツ C 0 0 4803
178 Phoenix E 30 48 4774
202 ImmortalConquer E 0 0 4646
165 jerc15 E 72 0 4642
160 Syraz E 45 0 4635
194 Ron Burgandy C 0 0 4595
178 Coach 77 0 4592
170 Josh E 0 0 4352
191 Activ E 82 0 4267
210 tachomx 30 48 4198
221 Captain Insano E 0 45 4118
171 Phoom C 48 0 4101
176 Gabe Uttsects E 0 0 4016
164 Zaphkiel ™ E 0 0 3988
150 Enesi E 10 230 3937
154 stahtics 0 0 3925
187 Cleatus69 E 0 91 3867
216 BDM24 E 0 0 3802
174 ✌RJ KING✌2 0 77 3753
144 sinjali 47 0 3738
181 LONE WOLF iNc. E 0 0 3728
184 Marcos 0 0 3723
161 dragon master E 0 0 3710
219 kentslayer 0 0 3693
182 Zilla30 0 0 3589
144 Brick Tamland C 0 0 3305
184 King Daniel 0 0 3169
120 jerc12 E 0 72 3024
188 Lilian E 77 0 2979
181 BigRedReRe E 0 0 2885
145 Lime E 0 0 2774
122 DreamJr ツ 0 0 2691
138 daddyfox 0 0 2578
121 mhh 0 0 2279
141 Daddy E 100 0 2141
84 Zadkiel™ 0 0 2032
141 Champ Kind E 0 0 2031
111 Snitty 0 0 2014
109 Baxter 0 0 1963
106 COC MASTA E 0 0 1476
Event Time

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