Sons of Mars

We are the Sons of Mars. Strict adherence to the War Plan is required. Go RED if you won’t make attacks in war. Do what you are told by leadership, donate what is asked for. LOOKING FOR ACTIVE WAR PLAYERS!!!

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
223 Rock Star C 541 1935 5177
213 zaza C 341 0 5020
209 DESTRUCTOR E 0 1146 4912
203 santana C 0 0 4876
216 rhodzky_18™ C 159 289 4834
209 shrey E 0 2383 4742
205 Zach E 1744 78 4662
234 C-Way L 947 36 4652
215 K H A W E R E 68 1196 4652
177 VizzyKing E 0 0 4537
218 TAIGGA E 0 0 4477
199 Tommy 0 0 4456
232 phepz 774 156 4415
158 Codyleftme 11 0 4226
203 PineAppleSpork E 219 212 4133
191 Ghani the king E 79 567 4040
221 CRinG NoRGaY C 182 338 3999
205 Hills 0 141 3775
197 “€rik” 20 0 3752
194 crunchypeanut19 E 27 61 3665
219 Tirth C 213 166 3649
192 justcoolme 34 0 3606
226 Awol C 53 0 3579
238 Pancho C 72 150 3517
218 NiNeRsBaBy88 C 30 0 3339
178 Beastbomb025 0 0 3323
240 Mr.Blue C 0 0 3111
161 jazon 0 291 3059
179 A B A D Y 0 156 2984
180 Honey E 2426 0 2983
133 TAIGGA v2 0 0 2933
209 ¥الامبراطور¥ 0 3 2757
194 Toby 1 0 357 2654
142 cam 0 0 2619
186 Zach’s Mini 0 324 2453
136 Mr. Blonde 0 0 1985
157 Mr.Brown E 0 0 1822
112 noobmaster6180 0 0 1698
71 TAIGGA lvl 1 0 0 1535
150 SHREY E 2278 0 1502
44 9ers 0 0 766
Event Time

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