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free elder need 10 people for CWL free Gold Pass for most cwl stsre

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
240 Warlock C 491 0 3906
166 kaka' C 0 0 2982
145 SARVAR E 0 0 2861
117 vansh E 245 67 2753
121 PEPE 0 0 2567
164 ImDavidRockz C 101 0 2187
75 SharLiz E 0 166 1887
83 mdrakibkhan123 E 0 988 1885
85 you ne E 0 0 1858
63 babi E 2 0 1833
63 jibon E 0 30 1754
77 maios_41 E 64 216 1744
87 gadost’ E 0 0 1709
84 Freedom Fighter E 22 31 1659
84 warlord L 2144 286 1609
69 chtushar E 29 0 1511
82 chongke E 0 0 1505
83 jennie2144 E 0 0 1491
93 IMRAN E 0 5 1488
81 DOOM 0 132 1479
98 ZZZ Post E 0 0 1458
69 OP ONEL E 2 0 1440
73 praneeth E 318 868 1436
91 periklis E 0 66 1435
80 AJ E 0 101 1408
82 Michael E 26 61 1406
90 killed ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿ E 0 0 1403
81 abhra777 E 0 0 1393
55 Eroica E 0 0 1388
68 joker3095 E 0 31 1347
59 Niraj E 247 104 1347
41 Karan@1234 E 0 19 1259
63 KING'S CLAN E 103 155 1216
109 Akshay 3 E 30 0 1180
49 KING OF CLASH E 215 105 1122
99 TOTTI E 0 66 1094
69 ap E 0 63 1085
78 Santa12 E 0 31 1081
60 ko ye E 158 86 1074
78 king is back E 0 31 1014
40 АЙРИЛ E 0 0 990
72 Complications 3 0 62 964
50 $w@gy E 29 0 933
44 Ronojay E 0 0 912
51 shakil gazi E 0 0 911
90 SUPERCELL.EXE E 0 0 903
92 post 0 0 879
25 guy C 0 0 528
Event Time

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