
"Together we build, together we conquer—our clan stands united, unstoppable in victory!"

War freq.:
L Name D R T
110 Lgamer L 1634 1824 3941
126 ITACHI C 4321 42 3475
171 FLOREST gumpp 133 0 3307
122 mayank rok C 0 0 2510
72 pyaegyi 152 922 2393
109 yetharth YT C 1 0 2299
106 essa 42 134 2251
79 C S K 0 276 2030
69 Mʀ. ɪsʜɪɢᴀᴍɪ E 108 85 2007
63 Israfil 22 497 1891
67 Matt 83 31 1864
127 RickB1 0 0 1829
74 wôrld mèñ E 0 216 1786
146 RainYell 175 512 1773
75 papito 49 92 1658
63 htrapz 0 123 1644
79 paurivi2 86 293 1611
69 kingoffoul E 94 219 1603
72 Pe Ng 40 292 1580
38 Shishir 0 0 1493
65 THE DEVIL 0 0 1487
69 firefighters 0 1 1480
43 hogger2498 0 412 1461
68 ARIF 39 109 1420
60 Malachi 0 481 1408
64 shadow. 0 0 1406
60 _JustMarx 29 181 1377
90 MOMENA AKTHAR E 26 335 1339
74 wyguy616 0 31 1329
71 maycrash 128 152 1287
54 karthikeyan 0 117 1258
71 Aanyathequeen 307 239 1243
43 wayne_ 0 30 1196
61 Alexpamela101 1 62 1176
59 Fllaycuskira 61 278 1164
49 jannat 6 55 1144
71 the1andonly_919 0 31 1115
74 SuLay 0 62 1084
63 jagrit ranger 19 1 1052
49 tahmid82 56 0 996
77 Kingandyyes 0 0 993
68 master vishu 81 11 973
33 Aarav 0 188 963
78 oisin 0 0 962
68 king of india 0 128 936
51 Lactose_man E 0 0 916
62 tree toes 0 0 859
51 jjj 0 11 843
Event Time

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