COC gods

Active back to back wars | Active donations | English speaking only | Clan war league active clan | Promotions esrned throughh participating in clan | clan captial and clan games are highly encouraged |Will be kicked if inactive | Have fun

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
211 pyroton C 421 0 3546
168 2flyeli E 315 126 3079
180 danfrog99 0 0 2664
152 Nolan L 77 0 2618
92 ferofire 2.0 E 102 633 2574
134 bananas1000 E 435 252 2567
110 TheDawgShaman E 0 682 2557
100 Tom E 0 67 2413
112 dccex C 78 0 2360
104 jimmy E 0 0 2183
121 sampu E 30 156 2161
137 noodles 0 0 2148
104 Nolan 2.0 C 47 0 2041
100 Buknoy 0 112 1976
70 Pyro jrjr C 72 0 1867
115 hatdog E 0 0 1859
53 cr7 0 26 1752
74 Fanm E 2 0 1657
83 xfrostmint E 0 5 1592
89 ambit C 0 0 1503
106 th10 maxi C 0 0 1492
83 ferofire 307 66 1457
96 HyubiThePig E 0 0 1400
55 Ethan E 0 0 1294
74 Nolan 3.0 C 0 0 1269
113 Flash C 420 37 1127
61 Sonam E 0 0 1096
64 flyeli 0 78 987
53 reeeeeeeeee E 0 0 967
80 kish C 0 0 958
67 EthanBoss E 0 0 937
29 EthanClanboss E 0 0 673
32 King Roman 0 0 635
Event Time

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