Tiófaidh ar lá

mon the greens

War freq.:
L Name D R T
171 SHAGOR KAZI E 31 106 4898
190 deadly daire L 147 0 4622
212 Avanish E 0 0 4220
213 faizul rahman 251 171 3828
187 Nak 0 0 3817
191 vaibhavja 0 8 3750
199 ThatGuy 154 298 3690
145 Ravindra Gharwa 110 0 3594
205 jun 0 0 3570
204 MR X..... 229 0 3530
143 hero 1 0 3518
162 nand 425 299 3451
201 Moin 0 0 3418
189 Jlme 0 0 2970
252 Dox 0 82 2970
158 riyanshikri 0 0 2900
193 ♠️rein_andre♠️ 0 0 2834
213 ChrisLyle87 0 0 2833
211 Viper 0 178 2820
142 Ari C 108 244 2780
176 dhileep 0 0 2722
169 ashish 0 0 2683
88 বে 0 31 2486
146 fairways 0 148 2464
213 ASHBORN21 0 0 2461
180 TARIQ TÎGĔR 0 0 2423
106 fk 0 72 2408
183 Rsamaniya 0 0 2405
193 True Gemini 0 0 2319
177 ননাদিম 0 81 2251
163 Bappa 0 45 2224
190 anu 0 0 2211
102 The ultimate vi 0 0 2211
97 Berserker 0 0 2163
126 akki tanwar 0 0 2148
133 Matthew C 0 0 2069
200 evolyoj 32 0 2045
83 glowbEthan 0 0 1773
103 MD Rahat 0 0 1712
149 RMAS 0 1 1700
156 legionaire... 0 0 1430
155 AdrianK 95 52 1273
203 chopper337 0 0 1236
106 hi bro 0 0 1072
29 Aadityaaaaa 0 105 735
Event Time

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