O–ONE T–TEAM O–ONE G–GOAL. 10/12/22.

War freq.:
L Name D R T
145 SPEED FIELDS C 755 440 4856
173 ❤️KEVIN❤️ L 1434 233 4451
87 Shinichi^^ E 454 832 3988
151 MarPen 17 C 1593 226 3782
219 MarPen 12 C 6612 332 3780
120 QUEEN IMPERIAL E 859 673 3760
135 × P a T × C 1317 3343 3565
153 MarPen 14 C 607 102 3258
158 grand warden C 77 0 3217
142 MarPen 2 C 130 222 3074
119 (⚡Nihad 6⚡) E 1470 768 2958
137 MarPen 3 C 160 220 2770
98 moggeado E 0 0 2764
136 MarPen 5 C 126 77 2764
77 hak^^ E 709 349 2753
140 ⁰¹KEVIN⁰¹ C 371 154 2602
129 King E 167 901 2468
89 rahim E 293 493 2461
160 bHaby bOy C 217 0 2377
86 REDGE TATTOO E 236 968 2334
91 SOPHIE E 48 857 2329
95 redge E 0 1995 2309
87 red horse E 73 0 2292
91 Marpen 29 E 339 0 2238
95 ^strong@✓ E 35 367 2237
96 DĒĀTH NŒTE E 10 35 2131
113 S3en C 153 2 2130
76 メ — Invo` C 0 622 2046
125 ⁰²KEVIN⁰² C 242 142 1951
118 ⁰⁴KEVIN⁰⁴ E 30 72 1932
122 Elliott E 0 0 1900
120 ⁰³KEVIN⁰³ E 91 0 1898
102 MarPen 22 E 207 32 1730
94 Zinidane E 15 0 1727
101 MarPen 24 E 204 32 1690
104 MarPen 28 E 141 32 1628
66 YASH 30 298 1604
105 MarPen 19 E 247 140 1544
74 Demz_ C 0 0 1522
102 ⁰⁷KEVIN⁰⁷ E 0 0 1452
110 MarPen 21 E 189 0 1451
66 Monkey D Luffy E 161 6 1409
103 MarPen 25 E 128 32 1397
48 9tGang E 0 26 1340
90 JERWIN E 0 0 1305
104 Mr. B E 0 0 1063
108 Mr. A E 226 0 1033
12 Antares E 30 60 353
Event Time

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