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War freq.:
L Name D R T
173 bMar24 C 253 0 4328
167 MC C 1038 0 4202
143 Rakibul E 2 714 3892
166 nani E 0 0 3886
158 manik E 98 288 3564
136 mini p.e.k.k.a C 311 556 3533
114 x tricky x E 0 0 3177
122 Dãrk møùñ C 830 313 3012
121 james E 0 0 2926
168 zoyzoy E 0 0 2922
95 rhoseniel E 0 257 2884
111 Eclipse E 185 104 2833
119 sai Priyan E 0 0 2546
169 luiscar890 E 230 320 2495
131 Shawon mia E 0 0 2465
133 acreativename31 C 161 585 2437
154 ROHITH ‼️ E 337 216 2423
156 mr t clubb E 65 0 2419
149 atung D E 0 0 2395
136 Ginbiak E 103 367 2373
125 SachinJOD E 71 144 2370
125 Viking E 1076 30 2327
148 John Kervin E 60 224 2298
122 Sommer E 0 0 2282
137 T͏x͏\\B͏a͏b͏a͏i E 0 70 2225
131 M.R Mizan king E 0 331 2208
127 elgruba E 305 72 2197
148 Anupaa❤️ L 394 0 2136
127 mig sej E 0 0 2127
151 red forest E 42 288 2114
153 Wynner E 0 72 2063
137 ^_^Umar_Alvi^_^ E 0 342 2040
81 Anik E 0 92 2034
126 MD.BBOOSS9925 E 0 72 1899
96 BLACKchoco 0 0 1843
159 yOj29 E 209 112 1793
123 NASIRUL E 0 0 1753
207 Pooja E 211 0 1752
76 Anvith E 0 0 1654
119 jax E 4 67 1648
108 DakshPanchal 0 31 1634
132 Maple Syrup. E 0 0 1517
84 Ishan_Walunj E 0 0 1428
58 sharvin E 0 27 1410
60 ACE E 0 0 1364
141 Bocktier (bhbs) 0 97 1337
183 Arbi E 0 0 1294
53 UR ALAMIN E 0 0 1065
46 Eltonborg E 0 148 966
135 KING T.M E 0 0 902
Event Time

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