Looking for active friendly players to grow together! 🔥 Enjoy consistent donations, teamwork, and a welcoming vibe...🔥 New players and rushed bases are also welcome—everyone has a place here! 😄

War freq.:
L Name D R T
141 CAPTAIN AMERICA C 4347 3155 4484
122 KIIZIN C 1275 120 4260
136 Toss Boy E 300 576 4140
124 Zojie E 34 0 3851
209 TAREK E 60 0 3250
119 sss E 0 0 3200
128 NTR C 96 474 3127
139 JOSHTRIPLESIX E 0 66 3102
80 GDB VIN E 81 1706 2916
128 stormzilla E 0 0 2864
153 SHAILESH A KING E 0 966 2767
141 Nazrul E 200 126 2762
104 sanu E 190 491 2743
114 sym E 0 72 2708
111 kaka E 21 873 2672
150 ruby queen E 496 646 2667
114 dozalj2 E 363 752 2624
125 hudson E 1114 144 2587
166 Imran Ahmed E 0 0 2557
96 Chhai Zz E 333 2795 2547
120 ⛓️Dario⛓️ E 0 0 2541
132 Refridgeraider E 217 647 2540
126 sadnxck E 300 0 2436
114 manpreetsingh E 225 443 2388
135 Rj 0 0 2344
134 Killer°3 E 0 0 2298
128 OGYello E 0 0 2273
133 jayzacru E 0 0 2260
101 john wick E 30 67 2253
132 Natsu DragNeel E 0 30 2177
123 R I Z Z L E R E 0 67 2123
95 Call me Janu E 0 482 2065
102 கKANGEYAN_SRi E 68 134 2022
122 plucker E 741 869 2000
127 Atomic E 105 67 1982
133 MD nazmul E 0 0 1940
89 MD Hifjur E 0 0 1915
128 Xx_MeanZebra_xX E 95 0 1901
116 Belle E 1146 1113 1863
53 Raj E 159 66 1861
180 --HAWKEYE-- 404 0 1798
85 H U L K C 155 0 1771
108 khin E 28 376 1741
113 BOOSTED E 0 447 1739
131 {Epicsam} 279 458 1627
89 IRON MAN E 308 0 1554
66 Sean E 0 112 1343
67 Adam E 588 0 1108
41 ❤️BLACK WIDOW❤️ L 0 0 1022
30 I'm Vansh E 0 60 690
Event Time

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