MissionFC MIB

Come here to stay and grow together 👍👍👍, This is completely a war zone.

War freq.:
L Name D R T
235 SIBASISHA C 385 186 3729
176 PRINCE PEKKA C 90 0 3181
223 ARYAN SIB C 80 36 3176
186 $♥B@Rb|(¡Ng♥$ C 105 385 3173
192 $H¡nCh@N♡♥♡ C 0 0 3096
172 BULLETSIBRAJA❤️ C 77 0 2972
173 PHILYNE 143♥ C 0 33 2913
155 $♡ArChR Qu££n♡$ C 3 0 2692
151 Echizen 53 C 3 0 2631
165 DRAG 000 C 0 0 2561
150 GOBLIN L10 C 0 0 2423
154 TSUNUMI 74 C 0 0 2413
145 HEADHUNTER SIB❤ C 60 0 2216
137 WITCH ♥LEE C 0 0 2121
135 WIZARD NRIB C 0 0 2109
143 ABD 786 ❤️ C 0 77 2091
134 GIANT BD 69 C 0 0 2078
141 HOG RIDER 333 C 0 0 2052
133 M(trip)NION C 3 0 1995
129 GOLEM 88 C 0 0 1988
130 MSD 07 C 0 0 1923
123 VALKAYRIE 22 C 0 0 1909
134 BALLON-E-FG C 0 0 1859
142 ICE HOUND @32 C 0 0 1857
113 VK @18 C 3 0 1820
107 CHUNNU C 0 0 1809
125 WALL BREAKER 42 C 0 0 1710
137 LAVA HAUND 21 C 0 0 1696
104 Baby Drag 09 C 0 0 1647
108 GUGULIE KITTEN C 0 0 1636
103 Electro Drag 09 C 0 32 1606
104 MINER 11## C 0 0 1546
103 Supertroops C 4 0 1544
103 ICE GOLEM☠️ C 0 62 1516
107 HUNNU C 0 0 1513
84 SIB❤️BEB C 0 1 1369
72 DOREMON ❤️ C 0 1 1147
70 KING Wolverine C 0 0 1143
61 ER ET Sib C 0 0 1010
61 NATIA♥️@PUPULU L 0 0 978
60 THROWER SIB C 0 0 938
67 JOHN CENA C 0 0 937
53 Dragon Rider SG C 0 0 861
81 SIBNOOB C 0 0 859
55 PIKACHU C 0 0 836
66 Roman Reigns C 0 0 826
52 Root Rider YJ C 0 0 795
52 Drivd ET RPT C 0 0 761
55 CASPER C 0 0 754
51 App Warden AS C 0 0 753
Event Time

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