501st Legion

Benvenuto ecco alcune regole per garantire la pacifica convivenza: Donare, fare almeno 2k nei giochi del clan, fare gli attacchi alla capitale

War freq.:
L Name D R T
243 delirium 1166 0 5170
175 alesamp92 0 2 3968
130 GIANPYTECK_89 1346 1043 3950
121 Garba 241 14 3756
90 IlGenti 422 1330 3117
179 TERMINETOR 60 267 2821
121 zume 0 0 2751
104 mr.Bo 132 1485 2705
114 3tt0r3 72 1071 2561
159 insaNe Dr4Go C 332 132 2559
128 cloverfield 0 0 2537
127 lollo 168 72 2431
123 Hlodwig 108 84 2416
127 $raizon$ 688 226 2316
124 Diego miranda 10 0 2257
109 strangersnico 0 0 2250
129 Alessio 296 132 2213
120 Capitan Findus 65 432 2159
113 Timrek 37 0 2131
115 bandito93 503 144 2128
105 SOPHYA 121 0 2123
146 darix 32 134 2112
83 LORD_PAUL 0 0 2104
92 theo99 78 128 2057
85 cricchio 52 67 1878
107 gmontuori10 0 67 1852
101 danclan 0 0 1848
120 ⚡⛈TheStorm⛈⚡ 145 14 1771
57 Thomas 0 481 1615
110 Penelope C 0 67 1592
64 mircolo 0 0 1473
78 Balarr 27 238 1453
196 leo L 981 0 1451
77 ciao E 0 197 1420
77 Stefano17 0 66 1416
61 ba 20 241 1332
62 fantastic 0 0 1242
63 get_quacked E 0 0 1115
91 Leo Th8 0 0 1100
56 Ricky 0 0 1013
102 Im_a_sad_Reaper 0 0 873
79 yatogami E 0 30 674
47 Cagnon 0 0 666
Event Time

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