Friends Clan

➤Welcome here clashers from worldwide👊🍁Stay here friendly🤝Those who misbehave will be kicked out🔥Don't ask for promotion, Work for promotion✨Stay active 🌿Use both of your attacks in war👉Attack mirror in CWL🏆 Have a nice day✨Clash On!🤘

War freq.:
L Name D R T
235 ❄️GoDxKOUSHIK❄️ E 1892 1403 5417
256 amir.f 0 0 5390
220 ★RAKIB★ L 13479 2889 5355
272 SUPER*** E 2654 8126 5351
188 RAKIB AHMED C 6183 2457 5268
256 I_Masari E 30 154 5238
182 shadow hunter ☠ C 1855 3493 5154
251 LORD MICHAEL☺️ E 1122 7307 5120
215 ,,KOROL" E 5541 12580 4886
187 спартак E 4570 9388 4852
200 UnrealG E 0 0 4799
178 Genius E 76 0 4786
225 Ari E 879 1027 4702
119 ◑Slugtera◑ E 1267 2247 4616
203 Cid Kagenou E 2655 231 4583
242 wolvorine E 0 58 4581
203 Divyraj Sinh E 0 0 4293
205 boss amo E 265 0 4263
254 pradeep singh E 2412 499 4148
159 TroyAde C 1481 1450 4147
237 Symply Rae C 1582 163 4078
248 General.Bigman C 385 440 4013
210 DamiaLily E 383 33 3858
157 Charlie C 289 1409 3794
176 meatslinger E 119 729 3719
226 #watari E 2077 2034 3668
222 19rasta96 E 952 3156 3622
131 Twizy•_•GG E 5707 3339 3515
207 bob E 301 395 3436
165 LORD MICHAEL2 E 3133 701 3395
223 Darksiders E 308 166 3354
185 PRAMOD E 0 282 3308
159 Shinchan E 1068 76 3260
135 realAli E 239 261 3180
205 AMAN BATTH E 0 0 3129
206 clean63s E 1730 1601 3115
216 AMRIT E 837 156 3105
163 THE END 2 E 307 1737 3079
181 THE END E 369 3982 3061
182 神秘园白 E 30 199 3014
221 Saidafzal99 C 6215 951 2886
208 Tiến Đạt E 529 0 2862
225 prabin 1 E 0 457 2603
178 Tiến Đạt 2 E 1083 0 1826
67 Hatmoto 0 0 1445
93 MR.BIGMAN E 41 0 1246
Event Time

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