
This is a friendly clan that likes to go to war often. We welcome members that are competitive/friendly to help us win wars and participate in clan games. We donate often to team players. The more we win the more rewards we get. Be nice and be wise.

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
206 Pratik E 0 0 4821
213 mass saru C 0 0 4687
218 unstableASR C 63 0 4364
165 vignesh vijay 0 0 4106
227 stanlee E 83 0 4101
231 windy shadow C 167 0 4001
228 Shadow Queen C 47 0 3918
154 MooJoJo 0 48 3660
179 wolverıne 0 0 3636
181 Nini 0 0 3618
225 Luzifer C 0 0 3433
169 josé miguel 0 0 3396
182 Zex C 0 78 3031
253 Gabriel L 143 0 2996
206 SHAN 0 0 2907
240 Luther C 0 143 2857
154 Blue Star 0 0 2793
162 pranay 0 0 2758
179 M0bilizedP0rt 0 0 2726
220 Air Bender C 0 0 2710
145 Obi-Wan 2 2 0 2591
179 mike 50 47 2575
173 хищник01 0 0 2509
152 tYsUn#### 0 0 2487
171 Satan 0 0 2465
210 Kylo Ren C 0 0 2344
152 Немец 0 0 2309
130 TotallyNotSid E 0 0 2297
235 Judge E 37 116 2241
128 as 0 0 2233
141 xtedious 0 0 2176
108 Shadow king 0 0 2161
152 خالد 0 7 2148
127 Wwoiz 0 0 2148
131 pr1zrak 0 0 2061
213 BäRbïE DöLL 0 0 2027
155 _md_farook_ 0 0 2025
131 MISTER X 0 0 1999
115 GAA 0 67 1963
113 Артур 0 0 1863
130 Divine 0 86 1860
121 グレース・アン 0 0 1832
129 bigboy 0 0 1647
118 “Crash KING" 0 0 1517
98 THE GAMER 0 0 1484
111 Bubblehead5005 0 0 1441
98 Mobipilized Jr. 0 0 1256
48 DepCiqher E 0 0 720
Event Time

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