Active & Friendly Clan • Max Donations • Participation in Regular Wars, CWL, Clan Games and Capital Raid is must • Respect Everyone ❤ • Inactive More than 5 days : KICKED.

War freq.:
L Name D R T
154 Gavin C 1869 1540 4899
196 monam pegu C 869 0 4713
172 Arczi C 602 0 4471
172 fenil C 230 1034 4354
91 anshin E 866 1319 4177
151 paiyt C 370 77 4085
150 hulk C 177 259 4058
199 subhransu C 305 194 4048
168 virus C 763 958 3985
196 Roman rains E 0 238 3979
98 FENIL E 141 671 3909
183 NIKHILBROO! C 1750 290 3723
158 Lachhe house C 173 77 3703
200 Krishna C 177 245 3679
115 rohan br 07 E 7 767 3439
122 MiNriK C 240 0 3432
124 GERALT E 119 114 3281
131 Rowan E 750 746 3260
118 Dragon E 439 82 3220
170 king's man E 0 594 3165
129 Kalp E 422 0 2942
156 krishna E 0 384 2931
129 Naim E 90 0 2903
143 Krishna 2 E 0 484 2762
139 SOHAN KANNADIGA C 0 0 2743
125 Uday king 0 74 2680
115 alok E 0 0 2669
113 McLovin E 0 248 2652
135 ZORO ぞろ C 3797 72 2618
204 ⚡GODSON⚡ E 0 0 2568
169 Affapr E 0 0 2540
139 IRON MAN 0 0 2427
131 nikhil broo L 593 194 2331
120 DJonesy E 0 0 2311
133 clash killer E 0 72 2299
88 karthik hero E 76 843 2241
130 CRAZY BOY C 0 0 2196
67 SwordSaint E 62 501 2144
88 thorfinn E 2 0 2118
141 DorianX2009 E 0 0 2094
137 i m grood E 0 0 2079
106 SPIDER MAN E 201 46 2073
61 KimJongUn C 2 547 1964
87 amith E 2 99 1586
81 Adrian E 0 274 1473
74 kushal y n E 0 93 1432
70 Fenil E 0 260 1390
40 Erennigar E 0 0 1132
Event Time

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