clan solo para ligas..unanse y participen claneros💪😉....

War freq.:
L Name D R T
245 PIPE_V C 58 3 5139
247 tomagoma L 0 58 4864
261 arqlem C 0 0 3661
272 KRISTEL...❤ C 3 0 3427
215 Néstor CoC E 0 0 3389
212 xcorpion24 E 0 0 3362
220 ☠️☠️LEO☠️☠️ E 0 0 3197
237 KRISTEL LEMUS ❣ C 0 0 3194
248 Miguel~RS C 0 0 3150
229 luna lemus C 0 0 2993
230 b.cruz C 0 0 2859
206 Leonardohill91 0 0 2811
185 Néstor (っ'-')╮= E 0 0 2761
187 《¤BlackCreed¤》 E 0 0 2709
198 Lex Luthor E 0 0 2696
171 NESTOR COC.JR 0 0 2517
152 Minato E 0 0 2501
119 NESTOR ⭐ 0 0 2486
190 EL VENGADOR C 0 0 2431
113 eltrollino E 0 0 2383
170 Anubis 0 0 2335
145 CJ Alvarenga 23 E 0 0 2189
145 Mago Oscuro E 0 0 2187
148 maximus E 0 0 2177
139 maleni 0 0 2175
194 TIGGER OF WAR C 0 0 2159
222 shnayders C 0 0 1949
150 roko E 0 0 1924
178 b. cruz☠️ C 0 0 1891
94 CR7 C 0 0 1848
167 Sara E 0 0 1814
160 king of king E 0 0 1772
161 Drak⚡✨ E 0 0 1766
123 martina C 0 0 1518
99 angell E 0 0 1515
110 RS~Pirobo 0 0 1504
176 CAT E 0 0 1423
107 Oscar UwU 0 0 1316
98 VENGADORCITO C 0 0 1315
206 Markizio 699 C 0 0 1192
Event Time

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