Super taypon


War freq.:
L Name D R T
294 Aphrodite❤️08 C 22887 11372 5248
219 natzu C 896 3251 5156
191 ROSE HAMSING II C 309 2089 4997
173 Love C 121 1469 4951
201 fhat L 746 2538 4948
194 Mystogan E 0 1139 4929
173 kita nyo yon 210 1640 4887
136 Mekus muna yan C 1026 2718 4743
202 *MR NICE GUY* C 79 395 4641
242 Micro-Warriors C 1329 1294 4562
143 ⚡️Vince⚡️ E 208 2027 4363
150 Aleyu E 130 0 4011
216 Kenter E 261 1948 4007
192 victory1 78 369 3879
225 key B A N G E 0 53 3794
235 QUEENofPAIN.14 C 11520 1638 3630
173 D.Wade 65 0 3445
149 Paisal king 32 75 3440
176 King-James 0 0 3421
214 -LonelyGirl- C 0 0 3319
194 Louie. E 3366 1055 3316
157 cancergaming E 0 1694 3287
225 IDr.BlueReaper E 618 895 3156
178 SHADOW FIEND.14 C 0 1716 3136
180 yahh 0 0 3083
161 INVOKER.14 E 0 1716 3076
121 MT.JEN✓ 60 385 3052
148 Trazyn_Infinite 10 0 3033
200 Dexxtzyy v2 E 30 0 2941
128 eia. E 0 1512 2934
140 Yurizz(^_^;) E 0 0 2860
174 Alucard 0 0 2754
218 ryan steven 0 83 2745
184 jazz E 0 166 2709
117 jungkok 0 72 2676
109 *Myst_ E 0 244 2366
166 M¢LH@YN€21 E 0 0 2318
119 PRINCE ,MIGUEL E 0 0 2283
125 *Ranz* 10 0 2253
170 Integral C 0 0 2237
126 Psyche Angelic 0 936 1944
139 Hans b E 0 0 1870
106 bordzz E 0 335 1738
28 ascolien 0 25 956
16 Luffy E 0 130 555
14 Naruto E 0 60 547
Event Time

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