Selamat datang di Clan pororo. Tempat di mana persahabatan, kekuatan, dan kesenangan berkumpul.!" CATATAN!! AKUN GA AKTIF 2 HARI KICK, GA RAMAH DAN GA SALING BANTU KICK,,, Mari jaga keramaian Clan bersama sama 🥳

War freq.:
L Name D R T
121 almachzumi E 5 367 4352
186 Ende_Coundhe L 1850 126 4008
130 xinthink 0 71 3827
170 atok.ulo C 4500 1625 3783
162 Erwin clan pie E 1162 988 3725
185 andreass E 375 0 3681
145 kuya jr C 0 0 3669
150 satrya E 1547 2828 3518
111 asmodeus E 52 262 3477
147 aray saputra E 43 256 3324
129 maxwin E 42 102 3278
135 andikarahmat_18 113 134 2898
116 WELLDONE 95 134 2823
119 °•repan•° E 46 115 2810
142 azam E 0 524 2803
124 kuya jr E 0 0 2761
104 yyyyy 281 404 2717
103 bocil 0 364 2676
107 kuya jr E 0 0 2513
118 Ari power E 84 270 2483
137 OneFnetTopanLPG E 0 134 2422
110 Alexsis 62 401 2409
115 kii? 0 169 2362
110 ez 0 0 2342
69 zidan arshaka01 E 21 362 2311
82 Rx-RullNoob 0 0 2305
135 EL Dyn C 0 0 2153
103 golden33685 0 55 2150
69 Arsen Ys 4 26 2126
157 giri Satria E 237 249 2081
134 wibida 146 0 2080
100 kuya jr E 0 0 2071
61 4_4dhe E 2 0 2060
103 "babang keren" 0 0 1933
63 coundhe_3 E 147 0 1846
130 Rara C 629 0 1291
161 fahrezi. E 336 743 1082
Event Time

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