
Participate in clan wars, games, and donate. Must donate 500 to get Elder, MUST STAY ACTIVE.

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
205 AdiosBrandon C 114 0 4638
181 sentientstool66 C 0 0 4418
198 BadgerKing 278 0 3926
246 Jacob_1 E 0 0 3866
172 Monsterman #1 C 0 0 3589
164 Merc_3 C 0 0 3367
161 Kryptonian E 140 0 3246
134 MustacheCake 0 0 2914
160 Master C L 73 0 2904
193 ryan C 0 0 2779
109 mikiq00 0 258 2766
120 Kat C 42 72 2669
96 Esteban Gamer 0 0 2596
116 0808adarsh 0 0 2591
153 ♥ ♥ Phyu♥ ♥ 30 0 2551
103 Sana Bhuiyan 0 67 2487
105 Merc_2 C 0 0 2486
191 권용 0 0 2434
142 YuelVilla 0 72 2409
124 Junior III 0 0 2397
143 Bryan E 0 72 2388
130 Devon E 0 0 2337
108 The Chin 0 0 2240
145 Quad Fuzion C 0 0 2229
147 CALEB 0 40 2229
124 jaksbd 0 0 2226
129 Totoh Sien 0 67 2219
93 CoctimusPrime6 0 0 2160
119 Ben E 0 0 2137
152 MAHIR 0 72 2121
106 blk wb C 0 0 2095
97 Headhunter. 42 136 1970
115 21alex21 0 0 1956
116 jonniboi E 0 0 1947
170 BoredBaez E 0 0 1899
97 Kevin.Mykel 0 0 1873
124 Kakashi475 0 0 1818
98 jacob E 0 0 1815
125 OMAR 0 0 1807
160 Zeus 0 0 1780
76 ayham 0 0 1579
128 bojka2 62 0 1568
38 Ralf 0 0 1519
84 rayson 0 0 1487
99 ryan III E 0 0 1367
76 Quad Fuzion 2.0 E 0 0 1247
52 Kat II E 5 0 954
49 MasterC_2 C 0 0 892
35 ryan IV 0 0 704
Event Time

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