
“[ TITANS ] is a family! ❤️ We support each other and share tips. All levels are welcome. 1# Att in War 2# Att in war 3#We are war clan dont need not att in war player

War freq.:
L Name D R T
121 k2 shivam E 0 0 4404
115 DËSTROYER 0 0 4318
159 j3 E 60 33 4170
176 attitude C 1682 1807 3822
226 BAHUBALI E 369 615 3645
170 yash2105 E 1931 117 3527
207 TERMINATOR E 276 106 3451
105 KIVANÇ 2 E 984 1880 3331
142 ZORO E 32 270 3325
183 Riaan C 952 773 3317
147 jai E 3208 1761 3213
191 Muneeb 0 0 3179
150 Imortal killer E 1 0 3168
88 SASUKE E 0 66 3058
71 BAKSHI DON E 0 0 2743
123 EREN E 0 0 2741
103 Ibrahim E 0 0 2682
124 shubham mor 555 C 481 117 2676
90 亗丨VANSH丨亗 E 35 72 2618
149 Nafisha E 0 45 2566
62 Jr. Rehmat E 3 72 2318
116 Shambhu ❤️ C 136 201 2237
202 !! NITIN !! E 0 0 2232
100 donating priya E 582 495 2202
100 Harsh E 0 0 2201
122 ELCHAP0×OG E 0 0 2190
149 Malayali 0 0 2184
126 MD TAHSIN E 0 1103 2168
174 Mudassar C 468 0 2145
117 Yash TH 11 E 0 393 2141
182 SNAKENV E 2329 1378 2136
87 LAURIS2 E 40 345 2112
187 RAMBO E 662 726 1859
108 JERRY E 0 0 1859
182 LEADER C 4262 1984 1663
62 SNAKENV-2 E 1138 1689 1623
95 Gr8___one E 0 0 1518
81 shubham mor 554 C 3 204 1513
88 Yash TH9 E 0 392 1513
106 sagar C 738 0 1460
65 A+B,BABY E 40 66 1448
53 Toke kyi E 0 890 1305
70 spectator E 0 0 1050
49 legend E 35 0 860
49 friend E 0 0 807
45 Yash E 0 51 795
52 leader bro L 0 0 708
Event Time

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