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War freq.:
L Name D R T
145 ANGEL C 30 138 4926
147 rafi C 0 441 4433
132 PAUL D C 0 0 4265
179 MX ARIF C 701 0 3980
147 Carlos C 90 992 3956
174 El Ningiz 868 L 1015 381 3945
150 kastador C 42 619 3655
145 J.C.H R 24L C 79 60 3502
122 jareth C 20 0 3314
143 atom mustafa 0 0 3180
172 TheWarrior E 0 0 2869
87 prathees E 0 32 2746
124 PAPUCHON E 128 72 2685
127 joanGS E 0 42 2682
112 eskakario C 0 569 2661
122 {$}{rabby}{@$} E 0 0 2655
137 lightning C 172 72 2624
83 El Talibán 868 C 631 72 2541
116 Benicio C 0 108 2459
114 Luck E 0 0 2418
144 edwin E 0 0 2417
116 El Kenzo 35 C 786 704 2381
111 KAYAYUSUF19 E 0 0 2356
90 Zrak☠️ E 0 0 2330
120 El Sapo 777 C 950 641 2326
114 campeon E 0 0 2280
112 Martín VC C 0 0 2254
121 ramos E 0 0 2216
115 edwinpimentel E 0 0 2192
113 maxi E 0 0 2149
114 Daniel E 0 0 2116
82 Bauty pro E 0 0 2085
132 sergio E 0 0 2060
99 menor_125 E 0 0 2003
98 NorGamer24 E 0 0 1949
134 LOCOMAGRE909 C 0 0 1883
112 jeremy C 0 0 1866
81 MiguelCa E 0 0 1861
107 moontero20 C 0 0 1824
90 IVANNA C 0 0 1743
86 prettyboyty E 0 66 1723
83 LAW 0 0 1671
124 Anil C 55 77 1571
71 dum E 0 0 1523
83 Christodoulos E 0 274 1514
47 gaspartuky E 4 85 1497
87 Elizabeth ❤️ E 0 0 1459
57 trebol E 0 0 1195
46 MOTOBELICO E 0 35 1192
44 Goku Sama123 E 1 0 789
Event Time

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