knights return

Welcome to Knights Return! We are a English speaking clan with high hopes. wars happen regularly, we’re an active clan and we strive to do better. Good war performance since 2020 and we always max Clan Games. Top donation: 60,300. WE RECRUIT FOR CWL.

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
252 blazer fan 21 L 568 146 4978
218 Dianite C 0 144 4844
229 WISE ØNE C 168 0 4701
214 DailyGrind E 319 0 4521
203 black boy 249 0 4432
208 gatosaiii E 0 0 4405
227 Ahmed Gomaa C 0 0 4132
222 boSs-joRamZkiE 0 0 3997
220 amir.k C 0 0 3874
235 FonfaraP C 45 53 3460
171 sal E 0 286 3341
205 King Cole E 0 156 3198
176 TheBlackFlash 0 47 3193
207 Ku Loyoo 0 78 3124
163 KHALIFA E 2 0 3114
204 Uciha AnToNio C 38 0 3077
174 alyafei 72 0 2941
186 BLOODY HUNTER C 68 0 2840
177 crocs 0 0 2759
137 Sa yar Yannaing 0 579 2758
151 Y❤️L❤️P❤️❤️❤️ 0 0 2730
196 X MAN C 0 0 2714
189 lilhassium E 0 0 2704
154 TEAM MarGel❤️ 0 0 2702
150 GENERAL HAZ0 0 0 2682
196 Starboy 828 C 0 0 2671
169 Napaceni Bosnjo 0 0 2645
143 Strange E 0 0 2431
141 X MAN 2.0 0 0 2313
163 M.Q 0 0 2282
123 husdamen 0 0 2058
155 Sam 0 0 2049
144 Flaming Skull C 0 40 1930
123 hamzaamin2007 0 0 1845
90 007 0 0 1826
163 X_Thunder E 0 0 1764
136 X MAN 3.0 0 0 1667
121 uvfjyzge 0 0 1477
86 clan destroyer 0 0 1185
39 maheen 0 0 1008
70 Davirusgamer 0 0 980
Event Time

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