
CWL TOPPERS CLAN.. 1 TO 50 MEMBERS ACTIVE... Fully active clan... Record 664 cwl star with top and 20000 destruction... 10k donate to co leader best clan for war and cwl and clan game

War freq.:
L Name D R T
177 SilentDevil E 0 78 4932
163 Large Farva E 190 0 4895
217 ROCK SID 7@$®© E 0 0 4411
197 Sonu E 30 0 4238
208 tuka E 20 0 4203
183 maksud E 40 77 4117
175 you E 0 0 4109
180 hridoy E 0 0 3961
187 AJIJUR C 1435 977 3810
202 Akkii E 0 0 3741
146 Bahubali E 246 189 3687
157 shakur Novdizy E 0 590 3521
167 Rakesh123 E 0 246 3474
171 Parkasolin E 0 0 3375
205 jay C 91 0 3278
168 evan sa.a E 25 402 3273
194 Anesk C 1883 1294 3272
185 Darth Vader E 197 38 3244
136 cgg dfg E 0 744 3180
199 dante40 E 163 201 3169
128 777 E 121 266 3066
140 Triple C E 0 276 3019
182 Sir Slim E 143 0 3003
99 B4C4N1 E 1 0 2898
118 rishi E 0 154 2898
182 hanif E 1044 0 2823
152 king arthur E 0 0 2805
129 MAHAKAAL E 723 210 2735
137 markadan E 0 0 2715
131 SARVESH DUBEY E 733 580 2713
134 ragedragon E 0 0 2634
102 MommaMcG E 36 0 2601
165 wap40 E 189 0 2589
115 Lucifer E 0 0 2528
174 Raju ak47 L 0 0 2473
100 umsivmeng E 0 824 2416
112 doser E 0 0 2391
109 Austin E 47 332 2340
131 asura E 0 0 2286
116 GOLDBERG E 0 0 2117
158 R O C K Y ツ C 0 0 2028
107 Mofijul C 0 0 1978
143 $$Raj$$& C 0 0 1927
89 samir E 0 0 1870
69 MISS RIYA C 0 0 1383
42 Dark E 0 0 909
Event Time

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