Enjoy the game.. build your bases.. play clan wars.. BE ACTIVE and RESPECT OTHERS. LET'S GROW TOGETHER 🫂

War freq.:
L Name D R T
135 AGENT OF SMASH E 0 0 3800
127 xlbrave E 1518 1465 3626
165 Tanmay E 0 0 3217
135 KP E 5481 0 3176
129 ojoj13 E 1565 1357 3039
93 cooo E 0 2119 3036
95 shan E 108 66 2699
92 MR.PK E 124 358 2685
127 mrs keisha E 924 1334 2657
97 Ennastasia E 0 66 2655
106 Sahal sony E 0 0 2631
88 Dark soul E 717 919 2515
110 HUSSEIN E 66 0 2281
107 Maria E 3126 624 2247
71 SHIKARA 165 600 2203
226 Dom l C 2995 1575 2162
123 Elite v1 E 552 550 2149
85 Hailey 01 E 0 1113 2144
100 Rockstar E 6 331 2123
110 safal 60 177 2122
50 MiniShmoe 0 0 2099
91 Panjiyar E 1 0 2095
88 bhagOP E 9 801 2091
84 bamandjam E 0 0 2068
112 Fearlessflame E 0 264 2066
101 Rishi E 51 367 2052
97 coc E 0 37 2041
146 Thu Ya Tun C 2211 657 2040
98 Bsc E 0 0 2032
116 サファリ E 35 0 2001
99 KING 'K' L 37 0 1993
100 Bijay 0 65 1986
87 7star E 0 0 1968
107 RED BARON E 0 131 1945
103 matyikesz 0 462 1941
97 Dom E 1123 890 1915
87 LianaGieKenzie E 35 978 1881
97 shaurya E 42 488 1867
116 Katerina E 30 660 1845
79 Raven Monarch E 11 0 1785
79 Octonap 0 0 1779
100 VinceP124 2 0 0 1758
85 Tuppi E 40 470 1733
94 footballman12 E 158 132 1644
79 Legend04 E 39 695 1624
100 ClanClash1 E 6 427 1622
82 WHITE 444 E 21 132 1593
86 j.2 E 136 132 1553
99 Atharva E 1 0 1518
81 The BONES E 62 0 1474
Event Time

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