Long time

Guerra de clanes, capital del clan, donaciones y todos son bienvenidos

War freq.:
L Name D R T
113 Lobazo C 234 0 3770
127 Waosney L 53 206 2377
93 west E 0 0 2247
87 Flor ⚘️ E 357 74 2244
158 GABO 45 42 2106
187 RIMBER 12 46 2063
92 adlin 91 0 1892
95 Toca un clip pa 133 272 1887
92 Charly23 10 24 1860
68 elpepe 0 0 1712
79 Fabricio 26 0 1710
66 luc4s 0 0 1608
91 elwey tino 119 3 1604
100 Alejandro 40 0 1584
83 posi 0 0 1427
60 ♧No€♤ 0 0 1371
76 drftm 0 113 1350
68 jos_pablo 0 0 1288
76 kirito 0 31 1222
70 MTO 1 30 1161
85 Del Agua E 10 0 1139
70 Emilari 0 155 1138
84 RG4 JOSHUA 0 0 1118
82 Fran barbaro 0 0 1092
51 peralta 0 0 1090
83 Mr.Proton 0 0 1063
68 hernancortes 21 0 1062
70 YEYEMI_10 0 31 1016
60 HELLBOY×_× 0 31 1001
48 ministyle41417 0 0 996
77 national PEKKA 0 27 993
45 el gran deri 0 0 972
58 Elen nja 0 0 939
66 FabianWars 0 0 919
46 Martin 0 0 894
50 insanoxd 0 0 877
59 Blue 0 0 873
77 FARAON 0 0 864
58 THANOS 0 0 862
57 Thehaxman 0 0 851
75 Dark Knight 0 0 826
38 Ethan12345 0 0 825
55 Daniel 0 0 803
43 cabeso 0 0 634
Event Time

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