the fighter

keine cä und stv anfragen immer cw 2 ag pflicht➡️spendenvehälniss 1:2, keine Zeit > rot, Regelverstoss > kick, do not ask for elter, 2 Attacks in cw is mandatory, not time > get on red, donat ratio at least 1:2; infringment > we kick, cw: sonntag

War freq.:
L Name D R T
247 Mateo C 127 0 5141
242 matze E 44 0 4905
255 geetapro C 210 1535 4854
225 kobold 77 107 444 4396
220 LAJENT PRIYAM 0 0 4339
275 GREATZANE C 1032 15 4277
163 derallerechtemj 0 0 4180
189 Der Kurze 80 0 4044
243 Super U 3000 C 270 0 3959
217 Dieter C 131 450 3803
212 enigma E 339 50 3785
181 King Mateo 49 0 3728
234 Rakhim-97 E 45 0 3692
227 emorajeev_ 0 156 3637
211 Chicken E 103 260 3591
160 DEVIL KING 0 0 3382
202 Rafael 0 0 3351
145 Eric 0 0 3305
207 Klara E 0 0 3196
187 33 230 3019
214 dragon E 58 0 2966
177 om 0 0 2952
192 koko E 146 0 2887
211 StouMpoutsoum E 45 0 2871
148 Sabi 2.0 0 0 2701
203 Delirium E 309 0 2615
163 Moorsoldat 0 0 2579
221 Zaphod C 360 168 2552
156 Rike 95 0 2443
148 187er 88 166 2439
114 DARKRAI-07 58 201 2303
152 emirhan 31 0 2302
128 Mika 0 0 2249
141 Marian_611 0 0 2132
169 Bebelbrox E 106 77 2118
143 nyteWING 0 144 2092
150 Lamborghini 0 0 2049
108 gggg 0 0 2035
127 Murat 0 0 2008
82 Devil 0 0 1975
121 AFG | BROTHERS 0 0 1509
238 -*ralla*- L 30 0 1070
Event Time

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