Bless and love brother ❤️

War freq.:
L Name D R T
53 shai C 1060 495 1941
82 Feitan C 180 0 1741
40 TARUB E 4 635 1495
39 R4LPH L 1206 55 1370
107 (\/) 76 0 1287
38 keng E 30 142 1261
30 VIVA Op E 0 0 1138
45 dip9102 E 0 0 1133
33 MD SAYEM E 10 0 962
42 ymw E 188 36 959
35 ARIF HOSSAIN E 0 258 924
32 omsim C 25 155 864
38 king E 232 182 846
28 Maratha warrior E 1 60 818
35 pretty girl E 16 115 814
28 sourajit Rudra E 0 0 808
34 tommyboy E 0 105 800
26 minmin E 95 30 791
30 RALPH C 0 70 780
30 RALPH² C 6 45 777
26 Not? E 0 3 711
28 Mr.yooo E 2 0 685
21 Tushuu2886 E 0 0 670
22 tony504 E 0 118 659
26 Zsíroskenyér E 34 165 650
24 pari E 0 65 639
21 angela ♡miraj E 0 14 612
18 angelo E 0 10 588
24 ישראל, E 0 0 566
19 polx E 0 65 559
17 ARJUN E 0 0 549
15 immortal king E 0 0 510
23 Goerk E 0 0 481
22 ze5vak E 0 0 481
17 AJ E 0 18 468
18 BambiiBelle 6 10 459
18 Raftqr E 0 0 456
15 GOAT E 0 0 445
20 RALPH² C 0 110 428
16 King von E 0 0 419
12 tanish krishna E 0 0 394
12 jadz E 0 0 384
10 Andrea E 0 0 340
12 soloking E 0 0 230
13 blexed_hapeeeee E 0 0 205
11 DESTROYER E 0 0 197
9 joseritoville E 0 0 193
Event Time

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