
All time get donation. Stay active. Join war.Complete 8k donations for co leader

War freq.:
L Name D R T
143 AJ E 114 471 5084
203 NATASYA NUR.A E 936 1668 4969
229 sandeep C 425 1650 4960
240 Tasnim Masrur C 1416 1923 4956
226 ASHISH E 3266 995 4925
208 ❤️Zubair❤️ C 1632 398 4722
210 WIZARD E 1982 1576 4713
229 love is life E 1267 578 4680
153 MH. Hasib E 822 2061 4413
190 M.VINAY E 0 514 4274
229 Akihiro E 492 1146 4201
200 spoken E 81 0 4146
217 George320 C 2104 425 4009
195 Silgam Shira E 1059 0 3812
234 D.P E 60 82 3811
211 Magistic E 389 589 3702
203 Jems E 152 438 3652
191 Abhay E 0 345 3646
177 Sasuke uchiha E 0 202 3639
168 Rakibul E 1411 699 3616
199 KIVLAN E 0 0 3613
200 Ayush E 356 415 3542
181 AK tiger E 0 0 3493
130 Meheraj E 0 152 3445
176 Heisenberg E 101 445 3358
148 Tasnimmasrur002 L 1875 399 3299
226 Dompax'S E 2064 116 3293
104 DARK KNIGHT E 1004 2774 3275
124 General Tashrif E 317 432 2967
198 DeCode_Ftw E 0 63 2942
219 madman420 E 0 0 2891
153 Rendom Nasif E 0 244 2840
205 MD ASLAM DON E 0 162 2771
136 guypax's E 333 32 2726
190 iLLuZioNz E 498 535 2703
198 one_zero E 0 154 2688
207 sarahmay E 0 0 2625
164 XxOGSaintxX E 1280 0 2621
172 Adil4557 E 391 247 2611
138 roman warrior E 0 211 2398
206 manish E 188 1444 2355
162 bob kelvin E 0 292 2352
112 ZEUS & LUCIFER E 0 543 2318
98 ebraa E 0 725 2297
168 mac E 295 126 2283
107 Mr blue E 70 0 2036
92 Single.heart536 E 0 92 2007
223 (L U C I F E R) C 2528 286 1647
Clan Result Opponent Date
W Returners
0 xp 91.1 % 115
45 vs 45
request and go
77 59.9 %
129d ago
Event Time

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