
Send Troops! No troops then join another clan. If you receive but dont send you will be kicked without warning! and be loyal.💎🎺Co-leader is earned so don't even ask! No th rushers!be active in war or get kicked.Closed during war.

War freq.:
L Name D R T
276 Clandestine L 1320 2237 4990
179 BLEACH27 E 0 0 4822
223 BURNING PHEONIX E 190 437 4713
116 Forever永恒Song哥欠 E 229 1807 4699
192 RessesP1eces E 0 48 4391
110 Forever·SyT E 1945 374 4171
135 bob E 1 0 4159
213 ArmoredZombie C 141 106 4012
185 MillerTime040 E 47 0 3874
242 DeathCharter C 290 245 3855
241 DaVinci's Demon C 1547 376 3513
181 Cosm1Knight 0 0 3221
166 Devashish 10 0 3151
211 Fide Nemini C 543 165 3075
196 ian E 0 0 3024
217 CosmicEmp E 0 0 3020
152 максим122russ E 20 0 2709
158 Nozel Silva E 0 0 2670
130 Aral Ma E 1 0 2669
151 Hero of Olympus 0 0 2479
179 Igonci C 0 0 2466
192 Magna Grecia E 20 78 2444
128 ابومسلام 0 0 2366
148 AcastaCLASHER E 0 0 2365
164 Davskills :D E 0 0 2280
184 Veni Vidi Vici C 0 189 2274
153 Zero E 0 0 2235
135 martin E 0 0 2202
145 Yakuza E 0 0 2065
139 dr_stimpak E 0 0 2031
168 Zinx E 0 0 1997
138 Lord Spryzen 0 0 1949
167 Victis Honor E 0 78 1916
152 정읍시사랑! E 0 77 1886
166 Illuminati veni C 0 0 1875
128 Matt E 55 72 1829
147 Initial D E 2 77 1739
161 瓜娃子! E 30 0 1608
154 Dragon 牙 只sses E 20 45 1593
120 Lucifer Mobius E 0 0 1575
144 Trolls_Snott 0 0 1509
61 (=^・ェ・^=) E 0 0 1145
55 Abdullh 289 E 0 0 857
56 Zero mini 0 0 711
32 I'm watching 0 0 545
34 Cory E 0 0 412
Event Time

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