Eddy stars

Anyone can join , no requirements needed just be active !!! active players can play clan wars and cwl

War freq.:
L Name D R T
213 jayadev.... L 2 0 4902
115 JAY 0 2 4719
157 sundhar 019 E 0 0 4210
178 vamsi E 0 0 3676
152 HARI 124 248 2884
157 TEJDEEP 45 C 0 0 2861
145 Edmund Hillary C 0 0 2651
128 king sodan E 0 0 2625
128 cute boy 201 93 2597
157 BOSS OPTIMUS 0 0 2564
156 clash heroes 73 144 2482
141 VARDHAN E 0 0 2432
126 Edmund Hillary E 0 0 2423
142 Abhi Avinash 0 0 2095
104 Ansh 5 0 2012
95 LEGEND E 0 0 1896
82 Hari 0 76 1876
86 rai castle 0 0 1801
78 phyo min tun111 0 0 1798
97 pheonix E 0 0 1755
120 GOUTHAM MISSILE E 0 0 1726
93 Jaxonfincham 0 0 1641
80 harshu 0 0 1517
118 Deepak 0 0 1513
51 Eddy E 0 0 1460
51 JAYY 0 0 1419
80 vignesh budati 0 0 1411
105 THE GODY KING 0 0 1346
88 DRACO 0 0 1340
93 Sri Sai Satya 0 0 1340
189 Crown Prince E 236 78 1319
111 ...SIDHARTH... E 0 0 1260
76 hi 0 0 1237
96 PACHIPULUSU(PP) 0 0 1147
69 jaga 0 0 1141
96 DEEPAK 2 0 0 1114
55 bryson 0 0 1090
63 MD-JIBON-HOSSIN 0 0 1076
80 GG/Turtlekid 0 0 1056
85 ashbee 0 0 1025
48 Ayush 0 0 934
43 viv E 0 0 723
43 LEADER 0 0 606
Event Time

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