Family Dragon

Family Dragon🔛 bebas Reg✅️🔰aktf tiap hari✅️🔛aktif smua ivent ..🔰tempat santuy✅️ no baper no caper✔️🔰Saling bantu✅️Donasi trbanyak dpt bonus cwl✔️isi cc war 1bulan bonus cwl✅️ bintang trbnyak✔️clan sulawesi🔰leader Bugis Le🔥join Wa GRUB📲📱📩

War freq.:
L Name D R T
135 Wawan✌️ C 0 0 3785
195 cah pemalank jr C 68 0 3542
122 anto sipit E 1286 144 2886
107 royal champion E 130 496 2730
42 EGHA E 134 84 2505
146 wak anjay E 25 42 2329
139 .mmuuaaccH. L 1462 5 2280
114 young lex 127 E 0 0 2225
116 Lidia PERSIB E 81 498 2193
107 en*dasmu™≈♣ E 0 35 1988
156 Muhammad Fazril 159 0 1966
109 LAMBIOTE 322 371 1810
131 Arul E 0 268 1801
73 Johan ganteng E 0 0 1776
135 Noxx C 188 0 1739
108 zeus E 0 0 1718
65 chia 25 349 1706
57 CHief Queen 0 232 1665
64 marlina C 220 264 1610
94 Хилма^_^ E 0 0 1601
33 LDR√MAZ.CIKI√@ 0 0 1516
52 ¥ALDO★ E 0 0 1508
60 ina E 155 234 1494
74 Chief WD E 63 231 1478
89 LEGENDA 4 36 62 1451
50 WD JR 1 93 1303
88 dandi E 0 0 1259
92 icikiwir E 0 0 1258
52 marsuki C 23 57 1133
68 ITACHI E 42 124 1083
64 Ibnu E 0 0 1064
45 CHief One day 74 0 1058
47 K I D A Y 233 E 0 20 1052
59 api neraka E 0 0 1029
64 Ms.Queen 0 31 1023
73 Novita larengga E 0 0 940
33 Zhahir E 0 78 840
32 oneday clan 0 0 797
29 zuki E 0 35 749
12 cia93 0 0 453
Event Time

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