
Family friendly clan so keep it PG. Promotions based on war attacks and clan donations. Lots of support for Farming. Enjoy battles,join the Baconeers! you must use all attacks in war

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
260 mitzy C 1109 902 4960
218 AlmightyClash 0 0 4910
228 Brian C E 581 988 4876
235 Semper fi C 729 881 3708
197 muanlal 0 0 3325
190 Chrisdelisle E 18 192 3251
233 bobcat E 0 0 3243
252 Lord Stanley L 308 282 3242
207 sundog zilli C 78 0 3153
226 cheetah fm E 0 0 2980
229 mega warrior C 446 96 2955
179 PPSH-41 E 0 0 2888
211 dblvsn E 0 0 2832
150 Zinger 1157 0 0 2823
194 IceKold E 20 0 2801
170 CJ 0 0 2743
156 ><RillaKhan>< E 0 0 2729
222 Josh C 0 0 2715
163 Tommy 0 0 2646
167 Rico E 0 0 2617
210 Pedro Galleta E 0 0 2534
140 kmani 0 0 2490
162 JacksonZimm 0 0 2465
130 the awesome b 0 0 2451
167 Payton 0 0 2393
121 Ajaxx 0 0 2274
121 •Zink Legend• 0 0 2248
146 bspoor 0 0 2246
178 mr Amazing E 0 0 2241
150 Ares village C 0 0 2169
145 Southern Cowboy 0 0 2103
110 Need4the3 0 0 2045
141 TyroneyIII 0 0 1869
102 USMC 0 0 1840
115 RaidTheParty E 0 0 1806
121 Snack_Attack 0 0 1784
122 Evan 0 0 1636
140 POTFkid C 0 0 1571
123 x-bot E 0 0 1506
123 JT C 0 0 1498
168 lord farquad C 52 0 1378
107 cheese curd 0 0 1304
99 The Dark Slayer 0 0 1181
124 raid the party E 0 0 947
46 Grandpa Julius 0 0 863
Event Time

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