
Great clans are built by great members.Promotions do not happen automatically, It should be earned with Dignity to be proud of. Each Warrior should have a Delegate power in wars and responsibility towards one another Donate Perform Earn Respect🏴‍☠️

War freq.:
L Name D R T
182 b gamer 0 47 2954
174 pizzatime C 0 0 2776
177 Ghõ$T Rïd€r L 0 0 2763
158 D@rk ShÂdõw E 0 0 2753
171 Diego E 0 0 2737
164 goldo E 0 0 2725
221 Ale C 0 0 2695
218 cj C 0 0 2689
247 Alexis C 0 0 2677
228 nicky C 0 0 2606
214 ITDONTMATTER C 119 0 2596
155 harsh E 0 0 2578
174 tacotime 0 0 2427
153 Thejas E 0 0 2391
134 drogo E 0 0 2298
137 ..Daffy Duck.. E 0 0 2220
137 KirtanMaster_1 0 0 2177
132 aleyrey E 0 72 2116
189 nick C 0 0 1999
115 SarfarazGaada 0 0 1978
116 Didi* E 0 0 1951
131 Johnston2 0 0 1872
122 boBek3.0 0 0 1791
103 alexicu E 0 0 1758
73 dhyanam vora 0 0 1718
98 Aarush 0 0 1505
56 Krutarth 0 0 1464
97 Paizar 0 0 1442
103 Wox 0 0 1351
102 Bring it on_TV 0 0 1245
74 Barni 0 0 1242
89 Ghõ$T Rîdër 0 0 1192
54 SMG E 0 0 1136
48 Çakır baba 0 0 1120
46 jalah 0 0 983
76 ⭐️⚡️HARSH⚡️⭐️ 0 0 955
66 KirtanMaster_2 0 0 895
67 destny 0 0 794
28 Kilgore 0 0 600
25 ShadowPop 0 0 529
Event Time

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