Tuk seru seruan. yg penting kompak, saling menghargai, sopan terhadap sesama teman. semoga betah. salam kekeluargaan ANAK SIANTAR (September, 15_2019)

War freq.:
L Name D R T
209 IYO 1 C 35 0 3682
150 hebat E 0 0 3534
203 Rey fly C 0 0 3423
176 Nellus jaultop C 0 0 3381
206 REY 2 C 0 0 3134
161 Yui 4050 C 0 0 3099
177 86 L 0 0 3064
201 Gltm E 0 0 2966
151 ODIOUS AMIGOS C 0 0 2911
146 Jelita ika C 0 0 2804
134 VARGASS 999 C 0 0 2710
150 RAMA N PRISTIA E 0 0 2662
129 Wiwik teflon C 0 0 2520
145 GADELL 444 C 0 0 2455
146 Gultom C 0 0 2449
166 Rey 339 C 0 0 2410
161 corvus 0 0 2344
112 BOGEL LABAN C 0 0 2319
124 Raja C 0 0 2265
134 UDAY aston C 0 0 2246
119 ARK01 E 0 0 2211
116 JACKY Cons 0 0 2109
134 Roy predator C 0 0 2032
103 SISILODWIEK 911 E 0 0 2021
117 GULTOM E 0 0 1930
139 Bron'ko C 0 0 1923
125 Kovich clumsy C 0 0 1921
92 Christyn 0 0 1905
165 M A N G A N 0 35 1900
72 Gltm2 E 0 0 1849
88 Ryugenn C 0 0 1848
96 CRISH YURI E 0 0 1728
65 Rara E 0 0 1642
79 Shirenz in here E 0 0 1624
81 Pertiwi 0 0 1611
75 VirGorgeous' 0 0 1497
86 ABHISECH 0 0 1453
83 LIDIYA 0 0 1360
40 Yuyun bos 0 0 1311
57 Mayangsari 0 0 1305
98 Neophyte 0 0 1267
86 Aquavio E 0 0 1222
60 Vivy 0 0 1144
44 Risky Is Here 0 0 809
48 Rorisky E 0 0 804
46 Bang Ky !!! 0 0 782
46 NotYourRisky 0 0 753
43 I'm Rorisky 0 0 728
Event Time

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