Indian clasher


War freq.:
L Name D R T
185 WIZARD C 0 405 4429
197 Nay Thurain E 150 1011 4344
134 Naruto® C 1737 389 3846
185 porimon C 50 0 3743
141 D ebeshish C 85 492 3382
125 kl14 C 302 141 3373
170 nayan kr L 341 0 3257
100 Terminator. C 292 330 2873
120 Indian Army C 458 0 2763
126 Rasham E 36 205 2685
144 MonPori E 0 0 2649
195 varun™™™™™™™™™™ E 133 0 2570
111 HIDDEN BEAST E 2 67 2494
109 kakusumu E 0 37 2316
153 A.D.Hirani E 74 59 2223
79 Viaan E 0 0 2153
59 Rajdeep E 167 52 2137
101 Debashish E 48 432 2134
61 Ak E 249 398 2032
133 hidden skeleton C 110 265 1977
63 vivy E 1 608 1971
49 Anish E 1 46 1943
64 gashi E 0 0 1630
101 Killer Hunter C 31 0 1619
57 UwU E 67 200 1603
77 marios E 20 31 1596
61 PADSHAKH E 0 458 1575
57 sagar E 0 0 1571
50 lumphu E 131 7 1565
66 My❤❤Love E 27 187 1557
57 dolphins2 C 0 101 1423
73 suxer51 E 547 273 1390
55 VILLIAN KINGS E 47 0 1377
53 GoKuOp E 0 212 1337
60 Roman Reings E 0 0 1312
60 jkdon 99 E 477 266 1311
104 Thug lyf ASN E 0 0 1279
43 MASHFI E 0 39 1189
62 nike E 0 0 1159
72 kovidh op E 1 0 1047
60 mastermind C 5 0 983
51 THEZTLALENT E 1 0 977
53 Gamma Watch E 0 0 909
47 I TACOCAT E 0 0 877
34 WIZDRAGON E 0 0 778
37 cd E 0 0 750
10 Fjdhfheiekrkfi E 0 0 197
Event Time

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