Rebel Alliance2

Rebel Alliance feeder clan est. 06/02/2020 clash on🍻💪 kick some ass💪

War freq.:
L Name D R T
249 JAMS C 152 0 5060
234 mayaungofficial C 118 747 5021
219 beforesunset_MJ C 516 252 4947
221 69-PinKfloyD-69 C 838 1814 4931
194 Bjarne_2.0 C 0 0 4914
236 MAJS C 0 0 4890
236 Rushy C 0 0 4839
237 ✨AJ✨ C 85 0 4732
235 Red Rebel L 516 249 4654
213 NOAH C 467 585 4588
179 Freezer E 36 0 4556
203 Medium Elk C 287 83 4551
205 Trent 97 C 82 0 4513
223 ObiWan 243 0 4500
169 †DEATH † C 0 0 4392
223 Whiskey C 17 157 4325
210 ®DIVINE_RAPIER® C 1090 1325 4264
241 .Yujiro. C 377 791 4261
208 Th3 àv3ñgêr C 42 116 4183
189 ASG ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 C 0 264 4095
234 Suds C 91 348 3851
201 Asad C 0 78 3762
240 Sayar paing C 240 584 3435
204 Natterator44 C 345 0 3385
157 savage E 0 716 3384
241 Gandalf C 0 118 3229
207 amarjitmaheiba C 172 0 3202
222 DuRL C 0 0 3171
213 AdmiralBlizzard C 0 0 3086
215 Legolas C 74 289 3047
227 WolfofWallSt C 30 332 3039
161 ScOtTyLaWsOn E 37 0 3021
227 $WOLFE$ C 0 0 2810
198 FATED C 0 0 2783
219 warrior C 3094 589 2755
216 ♎Reb⭐ C 33 249 2739
193 Grandma C 108 999 2651
226 GPA/’̿̿ ̿ ̿ C 83 249 2603
154 Beans E 0 0 2451
220 Sweet_Nightmare C 224 136 2390
180 black perl 2 60 83 2232
215 GamerB01 C 247 0 2076
Event Time

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